Writing a strong description of your medical device is one of the most overlooked aspects of creating an effective medical marketing campaign. Don’t make this mistake.

It’s also important that your product description is consistent throughout your marketing campaign. For example, if the way your product is described in your brochure is different than the way it’s described on your web site, you are going to confuse your target audience.

In general, product descriptions should be brief, written in a concise style, and be formatted so they look inviting to the eye. Here is a simple formula for writing product descriptions that follows these parameters.


  • A simple headline that states the product name.
  • A subhead that touts a product benefit.
  • A few lines of descriptive copy about the product and the 
challenge it meets.
  • A sharp set of benefit-driven bullet points.
  • A few more lines of descriptive copy that highlights additional 
benefits or other essential product information.


The WaterRich Excel System

Facilitates More Effective Water Therapy Treatments

Meet specific patient needs with a progressive system that offers a single solution for your various aqua therapies. The WaterRich Excel System gives you the flexibility to expand your possibilities for advanced water therapy programs.

Its open system allows you to implement any protocol required for prescribed treatments. Our industry-leading Water-K software enables you to create protocols that match individual patient requirements.

      • Provides easy-to-handle and effective therapy management
      • Delivers precise, specific treatments for patients of all ages
      • Enables the safe monitoring and treatment of children

In addition, the WaterRich Excel System includes a highly-intuitive user interface and ergonomic handling for greater ease of use. Its well-balanced components make therapies easier to perform, which enhances patient safety.


As this example illustrates, you can pack a lot of essential information into this brief, simple formula. The key is to keep your description short and tight. Make every word count, and make sure every word in your product description really means something.