When you’re writing a lead-generating brochure or sales page for your product or book, a great way to open is to show your understanding of the challenges your prospects face, or the need they demand to have met. competition-952879-m

If you can support this with a statement about how you’ve walked in their shows and can relate to their need or want, you’ll have even more credibility to position your product or book as a solution. From this point you can discuss your unique selling proposition and the benefits and values delivered by your service.

However, after you’ve communicated the primary benefits your product provides, your prospects may have one simple question for you: “Got any proof?”

The bottom line here is that you always want to support your marketing claims with belief builders or social proof. This may include:

  • Charts and graphs
  • Published statistics
  • Testimonials from respected experts
  • Case study quotations
  • Reviews from respected critics and publications

The key is to place your belief builders in the body of your sales content immediately after your value-driven benefit statements. Don’t hide your social proof in a separate side bar or on a different web page. This is very common mistake I see.

Instead, place your belief builders and social proof right in the heart of your marketing content. It’s your way of being able to say, “Here’s why my product is of great value to you, and here’s my proof.”

If you got a knowledge boost from this post I encourage you to share it with your crowd!

Want to learn more? Feel free to give me a call at (303) 697-4793.