Keywords still play a vital role in driving website and blog traffic. So they should continue to be an important part of your SEO efforts. I'm a winner

SEO tactics, strategies and best practices for incorporating keywords into your sales copy seem to change daily. So, it’s not always easy to keep up. However, when in doubt, you can always fall back on your fundamentals.

This old axiom has always applied to sports, and it also applies to blending keywords into your website copy. Spring is a great time to focus on renewal, so this may be the perfect time to freshen up your website copy.

Part of this effort is studying your site stats and determining which keywords and phrases are bringing you traffic and attention.

With this information at your fingertips, your next step can be to follow these solid fundamentals for blending keywords into your website.

Build keywords into headlines and subheads

I’ve said it a million times. Headlines are your most valuable real estate in sales writing. Improving them is the fastest way to enhance your existing web pages. Part of this process is making sure your new headlines are seeded with your primary keywords.

Mix essential keywords into your home page

The heart and soul of your website is your home page. It’s your billboard. It’s like your face. You want to take good care of it so it appeals to your prospects. So integrating your top keywords into your home page is a must.

Focus on the top of each page

When it comes to keywords, there’s no place for dramatic buildup. Blend them into your copy right off the top, and be sure they’re prominent “above the fold” of each page.

The first half of paragraphs

Again, get to your keywords right away. Seed them liberally into the first half of the first two sentences in every paragraph. If you want to give it some extra effort, do everything you can to emphasize keywords in the first five words of these sentences.


Bolding keywords can make them more attention getting to Google. Headlines are a natural place to do this, so take advantage of it.

Bolding keywords a few times in your body copy is fine too, but don’t go nuts. Over-bolding the same words can look like keyword stuffing to Google, so use some common sense here.

Keep web pages focused on one topic

For example, if you’re a coach or a speaker with multiple services and information products, create specific pages for each service or product, and then blend keywords into your copy appropriately.

Cluttering pages with too many topics and keyword groupings is never a good strategy. Just remember this: for Google to focus on your page, your page must be focused.

Don’t force it

Again, Google keeps getting smarter by the day. It can smell keyword stuffing in a flash. So make sure your keywords flow seamlessly into your website copy in a very authentic manner. This is a skill that takes some time to acquire, but it is well worth it when your reward is greater traffic.

Think top left

Run through my insights again and the common thread you’ll see is that keywords should be in headlines, at the top of pages, and in the first part of sentences at the beginning of each paragraph.

Our eyes tend to look top left when we first glance at a web page. So it only makes sense that this where you want to focus your keywords. Just think left to right, and top to bottom.

There are definitely more intricate strategies you can dig into when optimizing your website copy, but falling back on your SEO keyword fundamentals is always a strong starting point.

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