There’s no getting around it. If you want to be seen as an industry thought leader, or even a serious marketing professional, you have to actively engage people through social media, and you need to have a blog that churns out compelling content on a consistent basis. Road to Somewhere

However, with all the competing pressures on your time, this isn’t always an easy thing to do. In fact, it’s hardly ever an easy thing to do.

The stone cold fact is that regular blogging and social media engagement demands that you be a content-generating machine. What I’ve discovered over the years is that the most organized way to create content on a regular basis is to plan it out in advance.

Developing a content map is a practical way to this.

Creating a content map is basic. Just develop four or five main topic headings. Below each one list several subheadings related to your main topic.

Each main topic and the subhead topics beneath them serve as ideas for blog and social media posts.

When your content map is complete, keep it within arm’s reach and refer to it when you need quick ideas for blog and social media posts.

Here is a mini-content map I use in my copywriting business.


Core Message Platforms

  • What a Core Message Platform is and why it’s a must have
  • Choose the voice through which you’ll write your marketing messages
  • Detail the human value provided by your product
  • Describe your unique selling proposition
  • Generate your top five key message selling statements

Website Copy

  • Develop enticing headlines and subheads
  • Make your copy at-a-glance friendly
  • Create call-to-action and special-offer lines
  • Focus your copy on one main topic per page
  • Craft engaging and compelling landing page copy

Persuasive Sales Writing Techniques

  • Write clever and convincing risk reversal lines
  • Build powerful value demonstrations
  • Utilize the fear factor in subtle and effective ways
  • Develop thought-provoking questions
  • Build P.S. lines that let prospects in on a secret

As this example shows, I have a storage shed of ideas in my content map that will keep me busy writing for quite some time.

As you can also see, developing a content map is easy and can be done in a matter of minutes. So put this cool little tool to work for you and stay on a steady roll with your content!

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