Core Message Platform™ Blog

Does Your Marketing Copy Pass the B.S. Test?

Does Your Marketing Copy Pass the B.S. Test?

I’m always amazed when I walk my black Lab Ranger because his sense of smell is so amazing. He doesn’t go more than 20 feet without finding something completely new and interesting to sniff out. As authors and coaches your sense of smell isn’t nearly as powerful as a...

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Establish and Stick with YOUR Marketing Voice

Establish and Stick with YOUR Marketing Voice

In my last two posts, I discussed what you can do as an author to make writing "sales copy" for your book feel less like a sales pitch and more like a chat between two good friends. First, I covered how your marketing copy should feel like a conversation between you...

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How to Grease Your Marketing Copy’s Wheels

How to Grease Your Marketing Copy’s Wheels

In my last post, I spoke about how persuasive sales copy can read like a simple conversation between authors and potential book buyers. This week I want to follow up by talking to you about the "it" factor that can make conversational sales copy even more effective...

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We Have a Big Choice to Make Together

We Have a Big Choice to Make Together

The COVID-19 situation crisis rolls on, so I want to start by sending you a lot of positive energy. I sincerely hope you and your family are doing well. I believe a lot of good will eventually emerge from this situation if that’s what you choose to focus on. You and I...

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